Consultative council meeting and voting for working groups
On November 27, 2018
Assembly building, office N-10
The consultative council for communities held its regular monthly meeting, where the Chairman reported to the members of the Council about his commitments and the work of the Chairmanship since the constitutive meeting until now.
The Chairman of the Council Mr. Zivoin Ćirković, informed about the visit to the Bonsteel military camp and the meeting with the colonel Mr. Nick Ducic, then the meeting with the Norwegian ambassador Mr. Per Strand Sjaastad and many radio and television appearances.
At the meeting, a decision proposal was presented for the formation of working groups, which were also voted by the members of the Council.
Working groups and number of members:
- the working group on education issues will have five members
- the working group on employment issues and social issues will have five members
- the working group for cultural issues will have five members
- the working group on language issues will have five members
- the legislation working group will have five members
Meeting of the Consultative Council for Communities with a new composition
Pristina, on October 18, 2018
Assembly building, hall N-10
The Consultative Council for Communities held its constitutive meeting, in which twenty-four (24) members participated. At the meeting, the Council elected its chairmanship of three (3) members.
President of the Council was elected Mr. Živoin Ćirković, while the first deputy chairman, Mr. Berhil Šasivari, and Mrs. Andelina Qorraj Emini, second vice president.